New time period, the new decade has begun. Let’s see what happens next, given that the beginning has turned out to be promising.

Lemon bouquet with snail

Lemon bouquet with snail

oil on canvas, 60х50, 2019

Lemon Garden II

Lemon Garden II

Oil on canvas, 60×70, 2017.
Author’s property

Lemon World II

Lemon World II

Oil on canvas, 60×60, 2017. 
Author’s property

Lemon Tree. Afternoon

Lemon Tree. Afternoon

Oil on canvas, 40х50, 2016.
Privately owned

Harvesting 2

Harvesting 2

Oil on canvas, 50×60, 2016.
In a private collection

In the lemon garden I drink tea with biscuits

In the lemon garden I drink tea with biscuits

Oil on canvas, 50×60, 2015. 
In a private collection

Infinity Relationships

Infinity Relationships

hardboard, oil, 60×34, 2015.
property of the author.
The stone is masculine, the flowers are feminine. Together, it is the infinity of relationships.



Oil on canvas, 50×50, 2015.
In a private collection

Flour creativity

Flour creativity

Oil on canvas, 67 x 56, 2012.
In a private collection.
An amazing picture of how many times it changed before getting the final appearance.

Lemon Tree. Spring

Lemon Tree. Spring

oil on canvas, 45 x 55, 2011.
In a private collection

Full moon day 3

Full moon day 3

oil on canvas, 70 x 50, 2011.
In a private collection



Oil on canvas, 50×50, 2011.
In a private collection

Morning Snail

Morning Snail

oil on canvas, 40х50, 2011.
In a private collection.
Snails in my work-this is a separate theme, and the morning of the snail, so generally a series! It is even a reflection on the subject, as the plot is always the same, even the angle is the same. About the series you can look here.

Lemon Field 2

Lemon Field 2

hardboard, oil, 35 x 35, 2010.
In a private collection

Lemon Bouquet

Lemon Bouquet

Oil on canvas, 57×48, 2010
In a private collection

Lemon World

Lemon World

hardboard, oil, 50 x 50, 2010.
In a private collection